So, we came home today to a yard full of smoke and ash, not to mention the smoke smell in our house. So, if we smell like a campfire for the next few days you know why. They are building houses beside us and they were burning trees today. I didn't know they could do that in a residential neighborhood! They supposedly have a permit. I would like to petition that there should be no burning in residential neighborhoods. Haul it off!! Also, why are you burning when it is 100 degrees outside and dry as the Sahara?
I was sitting here reading a book with my feet propped up when the firetruck whizzed by. I jumped up and ran outside. Thankfully the fire had not spread. A neighbor called and complained about the smoke and ash. Apparently if they have a permit, they can burn until someone complains. Once someone complains they have to put it out. There has been much excitement on the Cornerstone Drive today. Two police cars and the firetruck.